Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cancer what a weird word!

So I have CANCER. What a weird word. My doctor called me today and gave me the news. I was shocked! I thought for sure it would turn out to be nothing. The lump in my breast is the size of a tangerine. I feel totally fine and can't believe my body is sick. My doctor said the cancer is in my lymph node in my arm pit and is growing rapidly. My doctor is awesome. He called all the doctors I need to see and set everything up for me. My first appointment is set for tomorrow @8:30. I am trying to think positive and look for the good in this. I told my husband today that we are going to Hawaii this weekend and spending the week together alone on the beach.
So if you don't see me next week that is where I am!

I went to the gym today and worked on cardio for an hour. My session with Meg is tonight. I plan on continuing this program and succeeding and most of all, I plan to WIN! So watch out girls, because I am more determined than ever to be the healthiest I can be!

Monday, March 23, 2009

It Hurt

So, I went to the hospital for my ultrasound today. After the ultrasound the Doctor decided I needed a mammogram. After that he decided I needed to have a biopsy. He took about eight different samples. Then I was off to get a second mammogram. Most of the procedure was not bad. The doctor and technicians were great. About 15 mins after the biopsy my breast was on fire and felt like someone was jabbing a knife into me. The second mammogram was extremely painful! After 2 1/2 hours of procedures and running around in a hospital gown. They sat me down in a recliner chair and asked me if I wanted a beverage. Weird! I called my doctors office and asked them for some pain med. My doc is great and I now feel much more comfortable. I get my results on Thursday. More time to stress out over. I am proud of myself. I was suppose to meet my trainer, meg at the gym tonight, but I went early this morning and worked out and lifted my weights. I am hopeful and not going to stress out so much, I hope.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stressed Out!

I have been so stressed today. I have a lump in my breast and went to the doctor today. My lump has grown very fast and is very big. I am having an ultra sound done on Monday. I will probably be just fine, it's just having to wait until Monday to see what it is. Just like many women do when they are stressed, I started for the food. I ate a FiberOne bar and started to open another. I told myself I was in control and eating another bar would not help anything. I decided to go to the gym. I was there for almost two hours. It felt great. While I was there I forgot about my lump and enjoyed myself. Tomorrow I will keep my mind and body busy. I am cleaning carpets early and then plan to spend the day outside with my family. Maybe a hike to Stewart Falls. I am glad I was able to identify my almost going off the ban wagon and was able to take control of my emotions and body.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I think I over did it at the gym last night

I went to the gym last night and biked for 30 minutes, them I weight trained for 25 mins, then I did the cross trainer for another 15mins. Did I mention that I ran for an hour earlier in the day! I went to bed last night and did not get up for my morning run. So I will have to make it up tomorrow and Sat at the gym. My muscles are sore I tried to drink extra water today and ate plenty of protein. I stretched my body for a good 30 mins. today. I am all rested and ready to hit the gym in the morning!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nutrition Class

Jalaine our life changing teacher
speaking to the class about the different
types of eaters.

Today was our weekly nutrition class. As usual the class was very fun and I learned new things. Our teacher Jalaine is awesome, she makes the class fun. The hour slips by so fast. Today we talked about the different kind of eaters. I am the Careful Eater. Let me rephrase that. I was the Careful Eater. I am now trying new foods and allowing myself to eat what I want not necessarily what I need. I also learned today that it is not nice to tell people what they should or should not eat. I am guilty of this and sometimes do this with my husband. :( I am going to try really hard not to. Last night for St. Patrick's Day I made a very delicious key lime pie. I changed the recipe a little and it turned out really yummy! I love the way I am starting to look at food differently. I am in control, ME, not my food or my head! Here is my Key Lime Pie recipe if anyone is interested.

Key Lime Pie

8 whole graham crackers crushed
5 limes or 10 key limes
1 small tub of light whipped topping, thawed
3/4 of a can of fat free sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp. grated lime zest

Place graham crackers on the bottom of a pie tin and bake it for 6-9 mins.
Remove from oven and let crumbs cool completely. In a large bowl combine whipped topping and milk, squeeze limes well and grate zest. Mix together and place it in the pie tin over the graham cracker crumbs. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Makes 9 servings.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am beautiful!

This morning I went for a run outside. It was beautiful! The sun was not up yet and the moon was shinning and the mountains were gorgeous! As I was running, I thought about the people in my life and how they are beautiful to me. Then I paused, and tried to compare myself to something beautiful. Several thoughts came to me. I realized I am beautiful, inside and out. I am thankful for my body and the ability to make it move.

After my run and my older kids went off to school, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed significant changes in my body. So I decided to do what all who are trying to loose weight do. Try on old clothes to see if they fit. Well, 95% of them did. I am so happy! I have not worn some of these clothes for over three years. I especially glad to wear my jeans. I love jeans. I feel good in them and they look good on me.

Monday, March 16, 2009


This is a picture of my AWESOME weight trainer MEG!

I am so happy! I am under a 150lbs. It is not my weight goal, but it is great progress. It is amazing how great I am starting to look and feel. Meg I could not have done this without you. Thank you so much for all your encouragement and ideas!
My clothes are really loose, I am hoping they will fall of my body by the end of May. It would be nice to go shopping for some new summer clothes.
I have also noticed the progress of my fellow team mates at the gym. I say to them WAY TO GO! The weather has been so nice the past few days. I have found myself wanting to be more active outside with my almost two year old twins. I hope the weather stays nice for awhile.
I had a bit of a sweet tooth this past weekend so I bought a box of Chocolate Oat Fiber One Bars. They were so yummy, even my kids liked them. I also bought a box of Curves Honey Nut Crunch cereal, very high in fiber and is very delicious! I plan to eat a bowl for snack tomorrow.
Today is St. Patrick's Day, I plan on serving my kids green food for breakfast, like green colored milk, green waffles and kiwi fruit. I normally don't use a lot of food coloring, but I think the kids will really enjoy it!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Starting To See Results

I have started to notice the most amazing thing. My clothes, especially my pants are very lose around, the waist, rear and legs. I can actually see my muscles definition in my body. I too, have finished reading the Intuitive Eating book for our nutrition class. It was great, such an eye opener. For anyone who wants to know I am the careful eater. Our class is very informative and our teacher makes things fun! I am looking forward to the chef coming to our class and showing us some of his favorites. I am really enjoying the gym. I started out spending a little over an hour there and now today I was there for two hours. I especially like lifting weights. I like the way my muscles feel the next day. Like I have posted before, I am still grinding and hiding vegetables in my families dinner's. They tease me but, have commented on how vegetables make the dishes they eat taste better. I also have expressed to my kids the need for exercise. We have agreed as a family that as long as it is nice we would ride our bikes, roller blade, or walk to the park. I'm glad my family is so willing to learn and change unhealthy habits.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I really feel blessed to be in this program and to learn how to care for our bodies. My husband recently had to have a health screening for our insurance. He received his results and we both were shocked to see how bad of shape and off the charts that he was. I really think he is scared about how unhealthy he is. I told him he needed to make a doctors appointment and cut out all the unhealthy, oily, fatty, heart clogging, processed foods. He agreed and is willing to start an exercise routine. I am determined to learn from this program and pass on my knowledge to others. Again, I am thankful for this program and the tools I am learning. Now about me.

This weekend was Awesome as far as eating goes. I can honestly say I have stuck to eating the food groups and calories required of me each day since the program has began! I am enjoying my same favorite foods. I have made a few modifications and reduced, reduced and reduced my portion sizes. LOL! I have also tried new dishes, including fish, thanks to my wonderful trainer, Meg! I have some much more energy and desire for my body to be healthy and fit. I really like keeping track of what I am consuming. It is so gratifying at the end of the day to see my progress. I am also, tracking my hours spent exercising.

This week I am going to concentrate on making my gym sessions more effective and work my booty off! Get ready Meg!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off To A Belated Start!

I am off to a late start, our computer was being repaired. So let's catch up! Because this is a competition so I will not be giving any exact details or secrets away! I will tell you that I love the GYM! I am so grateful for my trainer, Meg. She is awesome she pushes me to my fullest potential.

The nutrition class we have been attending every Wednesday, is very educational. I always thought I was a healthy eater, boy was I wrong. Currently, I am only to consume 1350 calories a day! I thought it would be hard but, I was wrong. My family, husband and four kids have really been supportive and I am grateful for that.

After, attending the first nutrition class, I thought to myself, I want this for myself, but I want even more for my family and allow them to be healthy and develop good eating and exercise habits. I explained to my family that I was not doing a good job at meal planning and for them to expect changes at the dinner table. I decided we could eat the same foods, I just need to make a few changes to them. Example, I made spaghetti , I switched to whole wheat noodles and blended two cups of carrots and a cup of cauliflower into the sauce and used very lean griound beef. Another one of their favorites are pumpkin muffins. I added a cup of finley ground 9-grain cereal and used whole wheat flour, subsituted applesauce for the oil. They didn't even know the difference. I am really thankful for this opportunity to take part of this program and gain the knowledge of enjoying better health.