Thursday, April 30, 2009

Left in the dog house

This week has been so hard on me. I feel left out disconnected from others. I have spent the majority of my week in bed. I missed the nutrition class on Wed. I really wanted to go. My body is strong, but chemo is stronger. I really hope I can hit the gym tomorrow! I need to get back into the grove of things. During chemo week food is gross. So I eat what sounds good. Mostly cereal, peanut butter sandwiches...just junk. The two weeks following chemo I eat very healthy and choose good foods. I need my body to be strong.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Chemo Day

Today was chemo. It takes about 5 1/2 hours for me to get my chemo. I went to the gym this worked on cardio and lifted weights. I'm hoping I will feel well enough tomorrow to hit the gym with MEG my trainer. We will see. I joined a few and ran with Traci this weekend I enjoy running, especially outside. Rain, snow or sun I love to run! Funny though at the gym I choose other forms of cardio. I am on steroids again for the next two days. they make me crave so many foods, I was hoping to have a better week on the scales. We will see! I am really enjoying getting to know so many in the challenge. Everyone of the girls has great qualities and offer others experience of some sort. I hope we can stay in touch and meet on Saturdays and run in the park like we are now.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Race For The Cure

I have decided to run in the Race For Cure on May 9th. I have invited friends and family to join me in my pursuit. I am excited for the race and I am grateful for that desire . My life lately just seems to drain my energy.

I ran this morning for 45 mins outside. It was a beautiful morning. I also, went to the gym and completed 35 more mins of cardio and weight trained for 45 mins. It felt good I felt normal and at ease and very comfortable. I am thankful for my strength and hope it continues!

I am also thankful for the friendships I am making from within the 100 day heart challenge and am overwhelmed at the love and support I receive from within!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well I will let my secret out. I am gaining weight! I am so besides myself. Three weeks ago I had lost almost 14 lbs. during this program. My oncologist now has me on steroids and I am always hungry. I am going to hit the gym hard this week to try to get my momentum back! It is hard knowing you are trying and something is holding you back. I see the big picture and know as long as I maintain healthy eating habits and maintain exercise everything will work out. On Saturday a few of us met with Traci and ran/walked out the mapped out the 5K race that we will all run next month. It felt good to see and talk ans exercise with some of the others in the group.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I mentioned before in a previous blog that my husband has high cholesterol and is struggling with a manageable meal and an exercise plan. Mark, my husband is doing really well choosing healthy foods. Since I have been under the weather he has been doing all of the shopping and meal planning and preparing. I noticed the last few times there were no potato chips, hot dogs, soda, donuts or other of his favorites in the grocery bags he toted home. He even asked to read some of my nutrition facts sheets from my nutrition class. I am glad I am learning how to better care for my body and the ones I love!

On another note, I met with my weight trainer, Meg at the gym last night. My first session in two weeks. I was amazed at how strong my body was. After my session i biked for 20 mins. Total cardio yesterday 80 mins. Today I ran outside for an hour I love running when it rains. I hope my good strong days keep on coming!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


It was a beautiful day I couldn't have asked for a nicer Easter Sunday. This past week i have felt terrible from having chemotherapy, but today I woke up rested, refreshed and felt like myself. I decided to walk to church today and I am glad I did. I have not exercised the past three days, in fact I thought exercise was going to be something of the past. but today walking I realized I was strong and could do anything I desired. Just like everyone else I will have bad days and good days. I will just have to make the best of my good days. My eating habits and patterns have changed. Things I ate just last week now taste like chemicals. I asked our nutrition teacher if I should change anything she said to try and keep going but said if I needed to eat more or less it was okay and we could adjust my calorie intake. So far I have been doing well. I can't stand the taste of fish anymore so I am eating an open face PB&J sandwich everyday to get the extra protein. Dairy products seem to taste just fine. I love yogurt! Anyway I am just going to keep on working on making my body the strongest it can possible be!.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I am really proud of myself. I have worked out three times this week! It takes all of my energy to get up and get going, but when i finally am exercising i feel good. It's hard to explain the difference in my body over the last few weeks. I am like a baby I eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, eat , sleep go too the bathroom. Having CANCER, is all so surreal still. I took the time to read all of the blogs from my teammates. I have to tell you they all inspired me. I am glad I have been able to get to know each one of them and understand their struggles. I am also grateful for this opportunity to share my struggles.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today was our nutrition class. After class was over a card from everyone working with the program was given to me with a monetary donation inside. Words can not express the gratitude I feel from this group of women. I feel very loved! I want each one of them to know that they are wonderful women with big hearts and we are all lucky to get the chances to befirend eachother.

I started my chemo yesterday and I now have very little energy. I went to the gym for my workout session tonight. It was really difficult to get through, but I managed. I am going to try really hard to keep all my gym appointments and daily exercise. I know my body will benefit from it and needs it!

I am on steroids and food is always on my mind. I have decided that I would also try really hard to stay on track and eat healthy. Staying healthy is my main focus and I plan on keeping it my main focus!

Thursday, April 2, 2009



I am in beautiful Kauai! I have cancer and decided to get a way for a while with my husband before my hell starts. I have been running in the mornings for 70 minutes on the beach and it is a workout! I also have done quite a bit of hiking and swimming. Today we went snorkeling I saw so many beautiful fish. Yesterday while swimming in the ocean a sea turtle came up to us and let us touch him. It was amazing. Kauai is so theraputic they call it the garden island and is known for healing. being here has helped me so much!

While here I have tried really hard to stay positive and stay on track for the 100 day heart challenge. I plan to head to the gym Sat after we arrive home and Sunday as well. I will try to get as much time in the gym in between treatments.Yes, I have cancer and it is even worse than I thought. It is in my bones. On Monday I have a minor surgery to insert something for my Chemo. Then on Wed I start Chemo. I will have 6 treatments of chemo and then have surgery and possibly more chemo then radiation. But I will get through this and be a stronger person. I am so thankful I was picked to participate in this challenge and was able to get my body into better shape before I start my cancer treatments. I know more than ever now how important it is to stay healthy and active!