Friday, May 22, 2009

Offical Weigh In

Today was the last day of the 100 Day Heart Challenge. As a group we each took our turn on the scale, had our body fat measured and cholesterol screenings performed. My results weren't what I was looking for at the beginning of the challenge,but I am happy where I am. I am glad I was chosen to participate in this challenge. It has been educational and fun and I have met a lot of people who have become my friends who have cheered me on during a hard time in my life.
Thank You!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I got up this morning to run. Instead of running I jogged. I had little energy and had to keep telling myself to pick up the pace. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better and I can go to the gym in the morning. For a final workout.I know I am not the winner of the 100 Day Heart Challenge, but I am a winner. Just staying focused to participate in this program is hard. That's why so many of us are over weight and have high cholesterol. I am proud of myself and the fact that even though I was diagnosed with cancer, I still continued with the program. Exercising has become a daily routine for me and I am grateful to those who have helped me get this far. This is not the end, but rather the begging. I have loved getting to know my teammates and appreciate their love and support they have shown me, during this difficult time in my life!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Killer Sweet and Sour Chicken with Brown Rice AWESOME!

I made this really yummy Sweet and Sour Chicken that was low in sugar and low fat packed with veggis and brown rice it was delicious. Here is the recipe.

1/2 pound of boneless, skinless chopped chicken breast cooked.
2 cups of sliced carrots cooked.
1/4 cup pineapple tidbits
1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
1/4 cup sliced onion
3/4 cup brown sugar
1t. vinegar
1 cup water
6t. ketchup
2t. light soy sauce
Place all ingredients in a large skillet and bring to a boil. Can be thickened with
1T. cornstarch. Serve over brown rice.

Serves six
*Note you can reduce or add more sugar for your preference.

I love being to recreate and eat food I love. It is nice to make yummy fresh food. If I went out to eat sweet and sour chicken at a restaurant. I know it would be over a 1000 calories. I feel good making fresh food with low calories.:) I am really glad we learned so much about food and the nutritional facts in our nutrition class.

I went to the gym today. I worked out pretty hard. I love seeing my muscles grow. It is very satisfying to see your body transform in just a few short months. Later I went to chemo. I feel pretty good and hope to run tomorrow morning and hopefully meet with Meg tomorrow night for my training. Meg told me she was very impressed and I was doing great and knew what I was doing and said she knows I will be able to continue to work hard. I appreciated he comment and you know she is right I have learned the tools I need to be successful at working out. Thanks MEG!

Going to the gym

I am getting ready to go to the gym. It possibly could be my last workout for this week. I have chemo today. I am hoping to hit the gym tomorrow before my body starts to deteriorate. The last time I had chemo I was able to go three times that week so we will see! I love going to the gym. I love the natural high I get from exercising and love being in a good mood! I love to run and love lifting weights. I especially like working my lower body! Baby's Got Back! LOL

My legs are getting so tone, I used to have a lot of cottage cheese looking fat. But my legs are beautiful now. My arms too! It's nice to feel good and look good! Wow I am going to be hot when my hair grows back and I am not bald anymore!!! LOL LOL

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's time to fly solo!

Yes, I am sad the 100 day heart challenge is almost over. But, I have learned how to care for my body and will continue to do so. This program is just like a child learning how to ride a bike with no training wheels with a parent. The parent holds on to the bike until the child is ready to manage the bike on his or her own. That is what we the 15 participants have been doing, we have been nurtured and holding on. We are now able to let go and do the work on our own. We have had many who have helped us get to this point. I would like to recognize Traci and all of our trainers and Jalaine. I think they worked as a team, came up with a game plan and scored big with each our success. I am ready to fly solo, I am not scared and I know I can do it on my own!

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's the Final Countdown!

It's hard to believe the challenge is almost over! It seems like last month we all met for breakfast for the first time! I have made so many friends and I know they will remain my friends. I am really proud of myself and the progress I have made during this short period of time. I look great...even with no hair! LOL My attitude is great, my clothes feel great and my butt looks great! So my husband says! I love getting compliments from people who have not seem me for awhile and I love wearing clothes I haven't worn in two years!!! I am grateful I can keep up my weight training and cardio with chemo. I feel great...better than I have in a long time, kind of ironic I have cancer...huh! Tuesday will be my last day with my trainer, Meg. I have chemo next week and won't be able to meet with her on Thursday. I loved having Meg as my trainer, she pushed me to work hard and give this challenge my best, she believed in me and she supports me. What a gal!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Second Round of Chemo and i ROCK!

My Race For The Cure Team

Can I just say I ROCK! I am amazing! I am wonderful! I am beautiful, even with a balding head! Saturday I ran the 5k It was amazing I ran the whole way! It was an amazing experience and I am grateful i had so many friends and family come out and show their love and support for me! Traci and her sons, Joanne and her husband were part of my team. I ran with Joanne we kicked butt!

Now that the challenge is almost over i reflect back to the beginning. WOW, the things i didn't know, but now know. I am grateful for the tools I learned and received during this challenge, nutrition class was wonderful and having a personal trainer by your side motivating you is unreal! I am so lucky to have learned these tools and have been able to apply them to my life and my battle with cancer. No, I am not where I wanted to be at the end of challenge, but I have the tools and can focus on being the healthiest me I can be! I can conquer all things and will! I will miss not going to nutrition class on Wednesday, but will keep on applying the skills I need to succeed!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finding the Rainbow

Today was cool and rainy, but today was a wonderful day for me. I went to the gym this morning and lifted weights for about 45 mins. then I went to the park and walked/ran the practice 5K with Traci and Karen. I had fun. I was amazed at my determination. I tried a new recipe today. Zupa Tuscana, my favorite soup from Olive Garden. The traditional recipe is very high in calories. My version is just right. I used low fat canned milk instead of cream and used chicken sausage instead of pork, I also used homemade chicken broth, which has a lot less sodium than canned broth. It was yummy! I am glad i can eat what I want!