Thursday, April 2, 2009



I am in beautiful Kauai! I have cancer and decided to get a way for a while with my husband before my hell starts. I have been running in the mornings for 70 minutes on the beach and it is a workout! I also have done quite a bit of hiking and swimming. Today we went snorkeling I saw so many beautiful fish. Yesterday while swimming in the ocean a sea turtle came up to us and let us touch him. It was amazing. Kauai is so theraputic they call it the garden island and is known for healing. being here has helped me so much!

While here I have tried really hard to stay positive and stay on track for the 100 day heart challenge. I plan to head to the gym Sat after we arrive home and Sunday as well. I will try to get as much time in the gym in between treatments.Yes, I have cancer and it is even worse than I thought. It is in my bones. On Monday I have a minor surgery to insert something for my Chemo. Then on Wed I start Chemo. I will have 6 treatments of chemo and then have surgery and possibly more chemo then radiation. But I will get through this and be a stronger person. I am so thankful I was picked to participate in this challenge and was able to get my body into better shape before I start my cancer treatments. I know more than ever now how important it is to stay healthy and active!


  1. I grew up on the Oregon coast and remember how hard it was to run on the beach. You're absolutely amazing to endure it for that long. You were smart to get away for a bit and I'm glad you're enjoying the vacation. We sure missed you in class Wednesday. See you next week!

  2. I am so glad you had this time in paradise with your husband. What precious memories you both have. I admire your strength and courage. I hope all goes well in your upcoming treatments. Best of luck to you and your family.
